It’s Not Too Early To Talk About 2017 Goals, Is It? #WriterWednesday #goals #amwriting

Last week, I talked about the goals I wouldn’t be achieving in 2016. That led me to make a list of twelve possible goals for 2017, and by making it public with y’all, I have accountability. Um, eek.

While not all of these are specifically writing-related, they will all propel me toward my ultimate goal of leaving the DDJ (that’s Dreaded Day Job, a term coined by Nick Stephenson), giving myself the time and space to devote to my writing, and living a simpler, happier life with my husband and the Wonder Twins.

And Maggie, the Wonder Dog. (Don’t tell the parrot I couldn’t find a picture of her.)

Magpie Belinda, Doggie Extraordinaire








Without further ado, here is my 2017 goal list:

  1. Increase readership – because let’s start the list with a crap ton of work. More detail to come on this.
  2. Have a beginner homestead up and running by 12/31/2017 – Did I tell you I’m attempting a homestead on my city lot? Stay tuned for more info!
  3. Pay off LTG – LTG is this stupid creditor that’s been hanging around for YEARS. I only owe them about $1500, so 2017 will be the year to make that disappear.
  4. Lose the 20lbs I gained when I started working from home – I can do that in a year. Right?
  5. Double my email subscribers – tripling and quadrupling would also be acceptable.
  6. Read 100 books – because good writers are readers first.
  7. Do twelve new things with the Wonder Twins – new fairs, new museums, the sky’s the limit here.
  8. Make 2 extra car payments – a big part of the plan to leave the DDJ is to reduce expenses, and ditching the car payment will definitely help.
  9. Stay current on all expenses – again, all in the name of reducing costs and not needing the DDJ
  10. Restart my craft business – BWT (Before Wonder Twins) I used to make and sell jewelry and paintings. Now that the kids are in school, I have the time and space to restart that portion of my life.
  11. Learn how to bake bread – because who doesn’t want to be able to whip up a fresh, crusty loaf of bread?
  12. Finish The Chronicles of Parthalan to book 6 – finish as all in a rough draft state, not finished as in published. I’m not that crazy.

Okay, so that list is a bit…daunting. But you know what? I can do each and every item on that list, and each item will propel me closer to my ultimate goal of leaving corporate America behind, and giving me more time to devote to my writing. It’s easy to say “I will write more” or “I will submit more often”, but sometimes you need to do some background work before that’s possible. If you want to write more, first you have to find the time to write.

Will I ever be a full time writer? Honestly, I don’t know–but I can’t wait to find out.

Do you have any 2017 goals yet? Let us know in the comments!


Heir to the Sun is available here:

My next appearance will be at Bing Comic Con in Springfield, MA on October 22:

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  1. Oh, no! I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to achieve my 2016 goals – one’s already been postponed to 2017 – soooo not ready to think about next year.
    Good luck.


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